Customer Reviews

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This playhouse is the best thing we have gotten our kids! I had no idea that this playset would be so big! I know it has dimensions listed, but I expected it to be smaller. I'm not complaining, but I can't jump and reach the monkey bars (I am 5'3"). The slide seems a bit flimsy but does well with even all three children going down at once. I hope I never have to put another one together, but all the work was worth it watching my kids play and have fun.❤


I really love this set. Does it take forever? SURE! But... here's what I did: Do I regret this purchase? Absolutely not! My kids are like "can we go out and play on our park, before dinner?" They love it. They are 3.5 and 2, and play just great on it. It is PLENTY tall. Adults can fit... even up in the crow's nest. Can I stand up, completely (I'm 5'11")? No. But we have older children come play on it, and no child has been "too big" for it, yet. I think the oldest child we had was like 10.5? Perhaps older. The slide is long... even I get going a little bit on it. Before I added the wood chips, I could dangle from the monkey bars (there are 4 bars), without touching the ground. With wood chips, I just barely have to pick up my feet. The girls are too small to do the monkey bars alone. I've seen some people block off the entrance to it, on the club house, and leave them off altogether, but my kids don't attempt without us, so we opted to leave it on, for their older friends/cousins. They learned to do the rock wall quickly, and love it. They eat on the picnic table a lot. Downfall? Their friends can NOT keep the sand in the sandbox. I'm debating constructing something that keeps it closed, so those friends can't get into it... I HATE cleaning up the sand from the lower deck. The seesaw swing is awesome, since the girls aren't big enough to "pump" on a normal swing really well, yet. They get going on that double swing like crazy, so I don't always have to be out to push them on the other 2. The telescope is fun. It isn't magnified, or anything, but nobody has complained. I can see us getting MANY years of good use out of this. I'm so happy I didn't get a smaller set. Truly... for the price, you get SO many options for them to play on, and kids of all sizes can fit. It is very very sturdy, and looks beautiful in the yard.


It’s a beast of a project. Organization is key. Layout your pieces by letter and number. My recommendation is having one person work on the fort and another work on the accessory pieces, then attach everything at the end. Make sure the pilot holes are facing the correct direction! The wood splits very easily if you do not drill into a pilot hole. Overall the kids love it!


Just got done putting this together and have climbed all over it


I put 90% of this together by myself. I asked my husband and older son for help a couple of times, holding things in place and lifting things over my head, but the majority of it can be done by one person. It took me several days, but I was only working on it for 2-4 hours at a time, and about 20% of my time was spent unscrewing things and flipping them around because I attached them backwards. (Pay attention to where the pilot holes should be) I had the right tools, which makes it fairly easy. The worst part of assembly for me was the slide. I had a very hard time bending the plastic and having it stay where it was supposed to, but once I decided to get a screw in at one end, it got easier. I still think we might buy a straight 10' slide to replace it, since my 7 yr old says it hurts his butt when he bounces down it. That hasn't stopped him from using it, though. I also need to somehow get my hands on two more side slats, since I didn't space the ones on the bottom correctly. The two sides of slats require slightly different spacing, which I didn't pay attention to in the instructions. I assumed they would be the same. Oh well. Overall, my son LOVES his new playground, and my older teenage sons wish they had had one when they were little. I give it a solid "A" purchase, and I think he'll use it for a good 3-4 years before he feels too big for it. I am 5' tall and 100lbs, and I can crawl around in it pretty easily. The clubhouse is pretty cool! And it looks really nice


the set has taken sun, lots of rain already, and even a hailstorm. It's holding up very well. We even moved it to the other side of the yard to make room for a major backyard improvement. We un-anchored it, detached the ladder, rock wall, and slide, and the rolled it across the yard on 1 1/2 pc. Took 45 minutes to move it 120 feet and turn it 180. After we moved it, I went around and tightened anything loose. Looks great in it's new home.


This was a fun project. Before purchasing this item, I was kind of hesitant about purchasing it. But, if you follow the directions, step by step, it’s not confusing at all. I have no construction experience and did not have a problem assembling the playground. Just some advice I would recommend. 1. Lay out all the pieces according to the Alphabet/Number. 2. Lay out all screws, bolts and nuts according to what they are. 3. To speed up the process, have a partner or two. 4. Just have fun and enjoy the process. My kids love their playground and yours will too!